Under normal circumstances if you are not able to test, then don’t worry, it will not stop you from coming to ECHO. The more people who do test though, the less chance of you or your friends getting COVID and projects being affected and possibly ECHO projects having to close for a day or two.

To help keep COVID out of ECHO, we would like to ask all our participants if you could:

• Test twice a week, using a Lateral Flow Test (LFT) test at home

• If travelling by shared or public transport participants should ideally test before attending ECHO

• If you test positive, you should self-isolate immediately and not attend.

• Test results should be registered online

If someone in your house is positive for COVID, and you have had your vaccinations then you can still attend if you have negative LFT tests each day you attend. If you aren’t vaccinated, can’t test or don’t want to, then we will ask you to stay away for at least 7 days.

If you have any questions please let us know, we are here to help.