Dynamic Terri Raises £1670 to date
Terri Wilson succeeded in her challenge to dance nonstop for 8 hours to raise £1670.55 for Echo on Friday 25th June at The Priory Centre. Terri, who trained as a dance teacher with the International Dance Teachers’ Association (DTA) and later with Para Dance UK, now teachers a weekly dance group at The Priory Centre in Leominster, one of Echo’s projects, where she works as a support worker.
Terri says, “Firstly, I want to say thank you to everyone who has donated. We’ll make sure we spend the money wisely. I was delighted that so many people came along to join in – the Mayor of Leominster, Cllr John Rumsey, Donna Socket Salsa who helped to create the party atmosphere, Leominster Rotary Club, members of our theatre company, About Face, and many others. Thank you all for your enthusiasm and support”. She added, “Actually, the whole thing made me feel invigorated and alive – I’d forgotten how therapeutic dancing is. The whole thing was incredible for me”.
You can still sponsor Terri go to: www.goldengiving.com/fundraising/terridanceathon.
EDIT – huge thanks to everyone who supported Terri and her mammoth danceathon. The total raised is now over £1700 and will be used to provide more resources for those using The Priory Centre.
If you have an idea and would like to raise money for an ECHO project we would love to hear from you. Contact Penny on our fundraising team who will be happy to chat about your plans and how to make it a success.
Email penny.weir@echoherefordshire.co.uk or give the ECHO office a call any week day on 01568 620307.