This is the latest from ECHO – we will update this message as soon as the situation changes. You can also follow us on Facebook @echoherefordshire and Twitter @whatechosays.
The health of our participants, volunteers and staff are most important to us.
Following Government and Local Authority guidelines we have had to close all our services. This means no day opportunity projects are running, there are no leisure or social activities and all the offices are closed.
What has ECHO put in place
Although our services had to close we are doing all we can to remain open as an organisation. Staff are working remotely and in regular contact with each other and those they would normally support. We are adjusting our workload and responding to different needs as they arise. We have found ways to keep communication flowing to make sure messages reach the right people.
Project staff have been making welfare calls and this has been one way to understand how the current coronavirus restrictions are affecting people on a day to day basis. We are able to offer help or pass on any concerns if we feel further support is needed.
Our Volunteer Co-ordinators are staying in touch with our many volunteers and finding ways to meet online or offer support where they can.
Behind the scenes
ECHO is visible on social media but this is a very small part of all the work that is currently happening. We will continue to work hard to help each other through this difficult time. Everyone involved in ECHO is dedicated to making a real difference to the lives of people living with disabilities in Herefordshire and we will continue to do this, taking whatever steps are necessary and within our means.
Best way to contact us?
please call our main office number 01568 620307
leave your name, number and a message so we can contact you.