The new outdoor classroom at Eaton Barn Community Garden is open
The official launch of the outdoor classroom was on Friday 28th September when the project once again held an open day. Participants, friends and family joined the regular team for afternoon tea in the sunshine at this lovely venue.
The team have worked very hard this year as they continue to develop this site into a space for everyone to enjoy. The Powell family fundraised to provide additional facilities at the garden and Powell Buildings came forward to also help with the project.
As a result the Community Garden now has a useful outdoor room which will be further improved with hardstanding and accessible paths. It can be used as a classroom but they are busy thinking up new ways to use the space next year. Eaton Barn is very proud of the community links and partnership working that have built up, the classroom will offer another way to bring groups in to use the garden.
To keep up to date with all that is happening at the garden follow their Facebook page.